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Moving Forward in God's Mission
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城市宣教 City Mission
Urbanization, the phenomenon of the metropolis, is one of the most important fields that today's missionary workers cannot ignore. Because the world is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate. In 1900, only one in 20 people lived in the city. Today, one in two lives in the city. By 2020, three-quarters of the world's population will live in cities.
City evangelism is a great threshing floor, mainly because:
1. There are many people from new villages who move to cities, especially the younger generation.
2. There are many foreign workers looking for life from overseas.
3. It is one of the factors of planning a new church.
In 2011, the LEAD Centre of The Lutheran Church Malaysia, received government approval of 34,000 square feet land to build up a church in Mont Kiara. Our proposed church building is modern and innovative architecture design to integrate into the upscale residential community. The church's construction budget estimates nine million Ringgit Malaysia. This area is English speaking residential area, so we will start a English ministry in this area.
2011年,马来西亚基督教信义会之信义励德楼 (LEAD Centre)获得政府批准在 Mont Kiara 一片34,000为平方尺的地段上建造一所教堂。我们所拟出的教堂建筑模式,属于现代化新颖设计,以融入高档住宅社区。这教堂的建造工程预算需要马币9百万。这地区是以英语为主要媒介,所以我们将在这个地方开始一个以英语为主的事工。
外劳事工 Local Migrants Mission
Since the 18th century, the concentration of human settlements has been concentrated in cities. The era of urbanization and the metropolis has also started. With the need of industrialization and the mets, a large number of workers moved into the city, and the vast majority of workers are from the God’s gospel unreached group, the group is also belongs to the window of the 10/40. The 21st century is the era of unwalled missionary work. Therefore, to make a difference today, you don't need to send the missionaries far away; The church will be able to preach the gospel to the people of all nations in this town or within its own church. This is a phenomenon that the church of the last century did not expect! Today, Malaysia is a region with such a great opportunity! As a result, the churches in Malaysia must hold on to such a good opportunity.
Here are the four reasons why the church should have
a foreign worker ministry:
1. The foreign labour is a resident, they are
the objects that the bible orders us to care for.
2. Foreign labor is a "people" in the great mission.
They are the people we preach.
3. They are mostly evangelistic and are the
most important target of the church today.
4. They can serve as a bridge and a mission to our people.
Malaysia has about 2.9 million foreign workers working in various places in the country. They foreign workers are mainly from Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines. We used to pray, hoping that The Lutheran Church Malaysia would start the foreign workers ministry. We thank God, we finally started the first Burmanese ministry in Pudu area, Kuala Lumpur, led by Pastor Richard Ai Maung, and Nepali ministry - the second foreign workers ministry in Petaling, Cheras, Semenyih and Balakong, led by Selangor District.
二、外劳是大使命中的 “万民”,
马来西亚近来大约有2百90万的外劳在本地工作。他们主要是来自缅甸、尼泊尔、孟加拉、印尼、菲律宾等。我们曾经不断祷告,期望信义会能开拓外劳事工。感谢神,我们终于在吉隆坡半山芭一带地区,开拓了第一个缅甸事工,由来自缅甸的Richard Ai Maung传道带领,并第二间在于八打灵市区尼泊尔事工,由雪州教区带领。
媒体宣教 Multimedia Mission
This is also the Lutheran Church vision, looking forward to set up "the Lutheran media evangelism and education centre", combining with the "Lutheran theology, the arts, the media" three in one together, hopefully in the future the centre produces new media talents in Canaan the beautiful place. We hope that every church can be a "media evangelism", and every Christian will become "new media man", which will affect society and change the world!
海外宣教 Overseas Mission
There will always be an active promotion of overseas evangelism, and at the same time sending missionaries abroad. Today we mainly support the needs of the missionaries through two kinds of means:
1. 伙伴宣教 Mission Partners
1. Mission Partners
We build partnerships with different body to sent our body abroad as a long-term mission in pastoral area and become a local missionary, and in the care and financial support on the two aspects of missionaries. The places are in Burma, China, Vietnam, etc.
2. 资助宣教 Mission Support
Each year, we will support some of the missionaries, to express our support for their work. We also hope that through these support, the congregation will know more about the area of evangelism, so that more people can pray for these missionaries, so that they will be able to do their work.
关注我们 LCM Oversea Mission Committee
新村宣教 New Village Mission
For the past few decades, the Northern Malaysia has been experiencing the glorious time of the tin mining industry and rubber industry. The unproductive economy in Chinese villages caused many youngsters decided to move out, being transferred to other places, and the population remains only senior citizens. Some family had only two grandparents living in, but if one of them passed away, his/her spouse will be home alone. I have been noticed that in Ipoh area, there are many old folks staying alone in the Chinese villages.
The above mentioned situation reflects that in the churches located in a Chinese village area, the believers / worshippers are majority over the age of 50 or 60. There are only a few youngsters in the church. This may hinder the church’s development in the long run. Many church ministry works had been cancelled due to no person in charge. Our late ex-Bishop, Rev. Gideon Chong used to start up ministry work at grass root level. Rev. Gideon Chong said that Chinese village culture was a miniature of Chinese Malaysian culture. He analysed that Chinese villages reserved Chinese culture, such as kopitiam, original flavoured cuisine, and the function of Chinese village housing structure in helping us look through the uniqueness of culture about the way of communication among Chinese society.
The Future Vision of Chinese Village Church Ministry:
1. Continually reserve the culture and record the history of Chinese villages.
2. Provide training to pastors and retirees for Chinese village churches ministry.
3. Combining Chinese village churches, launching musical classes, reading activities, old folk caring ministry, medical care information, donation, etc.
1. 继续推动新村华人社会文化和历史。
2. 招募基督教机构传道者、退休人士到新村教会事奉。
3. 合并新村教会,一起推动活动和事工,如:音乐兴趣班、
How the fund of
The Lutheran Church in Malaysia be used ?
Local evangelism RM 90,000
(including: city, new village, foreign labour, media)
本地宣教 RM 90,000
Oversea evengelism RM 90,000
(including: China, Myanmar, Vietnam)
海外宣教 RM 90,000
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10: 15a)
Please concern and support local and overseas mission ministries, ministries include: Vietnam, Burma, China's ethnic minorities, the urban ministry, planning new church ministry, local labour ministry, courses and training classes, etc. We hope that through your generous donation and funding short-term missionary ministries, perhaps in the future they will be called by God to become full time missionaries and co-workers, and continue to participate in the mission to serve.
若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢 ? (罗马书 10章 15a节)请大家关心和支持本地及海外宣教事工,事工包括:越南、缅甸、中国少数民族、城市事工、植堂事工、本地外劳事工、培育与门训等等。盼望透过你的慷慨捐献,并资助短期宣教事工,也许有一天他们会被神呼召,成为全职的宣教士及同工,继续参与宣教事奉。
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. (Psalms 126: 5-6)
必要欢欢乐乐地带禾捆回来!(诗篇 126篇, 5 至 6节)
Your offering, not only supports the mission work of LCM, but also edifying the believers and the proclamation of the Gospel! We welcome all churches and individuals to participate in this work.
Supporting of the following Mission works :
海外宣教 Overseas Mission Fund
(缅甸、越南、中国 Myanmar, Vietnam, China)
外劳宣教 Migrants Mission Fund
(本地;尼泊尔、缅甸 Local :Nepal, Myanmar)
城市宣教 City Mission Fund
(励德楼、植堂、网络传媒 L.E.A.D. Centre, Church planting, Multimedia)
新村宣教 New Village Mission Fund
(施赠、培育 Giving alms, Education)
奉献支持方式 Offering Mode
1.支票抬头请填写 “Lutheran Church in Malaysia”
Cheque offering is to be made to “Lutheran Church in Malaysia”
或电子转账 (务必电邮告知转账日期、数额)
Maybank A/C :014169325999
If you were to mail the cheque
(Please indicate ‘Mission support’ behind the cheque)
to Lutheran Centre or bank in into our May Bank account,
please mail or email us the receipt.
If your payment is made online, kindly email us the receipt as well.