Dear EXCOs, District Deans, Pastors in Charge, Co-workers, and Council Chairpersons,


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior.


The SCC committee expresses heartfelt gratitude to all congregations for their unwavering support, prayers, and contributions towards the Lent Season's Donation Campaign 2024.


Last year, we successfully collected RM32,087.50, and these funds have been distributed to various homes and centres associated with LCM’s social concern ministries, including:


1. Rumah Love & Care Menglembu

2. Lutheran Clinic

3. Kaizen Children Home

4. Rumah Love & Care Tronoh

5. Rumah Ros

6. Rumah Love & Care Kajang

7. Disaster Respond Team


We thank and praise God for the continued success of the Lent Season Donation Campaign, which has become an annual event for LCM. As we approach the upcoming Lent Season, commencing on 5th March 2025 and concluding on 17th April 2025, we encourage you to earnestly pray for this campaign.


The Lent Season 2025 donation boxes will be provided to your congregation. Please distribute the donation coin boxes to congregation members, encouraging them to fast and save their donations in these coin boxes. The collected donations will be gathered at the end of the Lent season. We hope that the physical coin boxes will serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration.


We eagerly anticipate your ongoing partnership and support in the LCM SCC ministries of our Church. Thank you in advance!


Yours in His Service,


How PH









社区关怀委员会要由衷地感谢所有教会过去对于2024 年预苦期期间活动所给予的支持、祷告和贡献。


去年,我们共取得的奉 RM32,087.50,并已分配给LCM 社会关怀事工的各个机构和中心,包括:


1. 万里望爱心之家

2. 信义会医药中心

3. 凯胜儿童之家

4. 端洛爱心之家

5. Rumah ROS

6. 加影爱心之家

7. 灾难救援应急小组


我们感谢并赞美上帝,感谢祂让预苦期的捐献活动一直都是马来西亚信义会的年度活动。随着即将到来的预苦期将于2025 年3 月5 日开始,于4 月17 日结束。我们鼓励大家为这次活动祈祷。


2025 年预苦期纸质奉献盒将分发至个堂会,请将奉献盒分发给教友,我们盼望实体奉献盒能给予大家鼓励和启发。









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ENQUIRER : Kindly contact the national office during office hours: 8.00am – 5.00pm
Lutheran Church in Malaysia 马来西亚基督教信义会

Luther Centre, Level 6, No. 6, Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia.

Tel: +603-7956 5992 / 0014    Fax: +603-7957 6953    email: